Enabling Advanced Analytic Tools and Access to Data: Bringing Technology and People Together for Better Analytics

  • 02 Aug 2023
  • 1:00 PM - 2:00 PM
  • Zoom

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Katie Princo, University of Colorado

Enabling Advanced Analytic Tools and Access to Data: Bringing Technology and People Together for Better Analytics

As prospect development professionals, we are often tasked with providing the most relevant insights into data, finding the “best” prospects, informing strategy, and conducting analyses. All of this is based in data – but are we managing this data, these recommendations, these insights as efficiently as we can? How do you as a prospect development professional or other partner provide actionable data? How do you ensure you’re analyzing the “right” things without wasting time? How do you encourage or influence your partners to ask strategic questions and ensure you can efficiently answer? How do you get access to data without needing customized reports or help from other areas of the organization? What data points have consistent definitions, and who decides what those definitions are? How do you tailor work to meet individual needs without overwhelming your team or other teams with personalization for different data? Do you empower gift officers or other partners to do their own research/reporting/analytics? What are the pros/cons of doing so? How do you manage that? 

Join Katie Princo, Assistant Director of Research & Analytics, as she delves into the data landscape at the University of Colorado. Though she will share stories and examples, this presentation will focus more on the philosophy and approach rather than pitching one solution or tool, striving to help attendees improve their own approaches to determine what makes the most sense at their organizations.

This webinar is FREE to all members and non-members.

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