Week in Review (June 4-10)

10 Jun 2016 2:30 PM | Anonymous

Baby boomers and other retirees are lapping up dividend-paying stocks

Dividends are becoming more important than P/E multiples for many boomers.

Inside McKinsey’s private hedge fund

Take a look at a sophisticated, secretive hedge fund with some very notable alumni.

Creating a “Safe Zone” With Family Philanthropy

Creating a separate pool of money for philanthropy allows all members of the family to make decisions about how to spend that capital.

70 is the new 60 — and that’s not good news

With the demise of pensions, Americans are having to save for themselves - a task which we seem woefully inadequate with.

How Iconic Charities Like Red Cross and United Way Are Trying to Win Over Millennial Donors

Millennials are digital natives who "see giving in much broader terms than their predecessors."

This infographic shows where the ultra-rich are scrambling to buy homes

We've mentioned the Knight Frank report before, but here is a quick snapshot of the parts of the world the rich are getting into.

How Much America’s Biggest Companies Give to Charity: an Exclusive Chronicle Study

The Prospect Research Institute linked to this report on corporate philanthropy.

Are Patents Worth Our Time?

That's the question that the Staupell Analytics Group asks in a terrific post with great visuals to help understand what you're looking at.

How Much Everyone Working On a $200 Million Movie Earns (Video)

Vanity Fair published this wonderfully creative look at typical salaries for everyone involved in a typical blockbuster movie.

Wealth inequality has widened along racial, ethnic lines since end of Great Recession

The Pew Research Center looks at the disparity of median net worth in white, black, and Hispanic households from 1983 to 2013.

Chinese UHNW increase overseas philanthropy

"Hurun’s rankings of China’s 100 most generous philanthropists found that the top Chinese donors were most apt to support education and disaster relief, with half of the list giving funds to causes in those two categories."

#FRDay16 and #aprafl2016

AFP Toronto's Fundraiser Day 2016 and APRA Florida's state conference were both this week. Check out the hashtags for some of the great insights that were shared during the week.

Boss keys: The best apps, extensions, and add-ons for your browser

The Helen Brown Group shared some of their favorite apps, add-ons and extensions. Some of these I wasn't familiar with, but will definitely be checking out!

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