Week in Review (May 21-27)

27 May 2016 10:30 AM | Anonymous

Prospect Research and the Panama Papers

Helen Brown has collected her thoughts on the Panama Papers and weighs the implications for prospect researchers.

Jamie Dimon Asks: Do You Know Where Your Data Is?

I admit to being a little surprised to see this coming from the head of the nation's biggest bank, but Jamie Dimon is championing transparency with how our data is being used.

Dear Analyst 4

Elisa Shoenberger shares the importance of professional development in your career.

Fundraising Analytics: What we really do

Josh Birkholz has updated the image we've probably all seen by now that looks at how we see ourselves, how our friends see us, how our family sees us, how the CDO sees us, how MGOs see us, and what we really do.

Where did all the jet-set CEOs go? Corporate plane market plummeting

Demand and prices for high-end private jets are apparently plummeting.

Are You Wealthy? Investors see themselves as wealthy, their parents not so much.

Cecilia Hogan linked to this piece on people's perceptions on whether they are actually wealthy. This is something we sometimes run into on our ratings. On paper, a prospect might appear to have capacity for a major gift, but they might be shocked to think they could give that much.

Suggested division of fundraising responsibilities to time.

Alice Ferris tweeted this pie chart of the suggested amounts of time that should be spend on each stage in the fundraising cycle.

Millennials have an entirely different approach to investing than their parents

According to the article, by 2020 1/2 of all investable assets will be held by millennials and Gen X. Is your development team thinking about the different mindset that these generations have from their parents?

Free fundraising resources

Alice Ferris also tweeted a link to this exhaustive list of sources across a wide variety of topics!

Dallas property taxes squeeze middle class while wealthy, businesses reap advantages

The Dallas Morning News has a look at the increasing property values in Dallas County with interactive maps of home value trends.

What Are the Best Resources for Prospect Research on Home and Neighborhood Values?

A prospect research 101 article from Emily Davis at Indiana University on getting started with home and neighborhood values.

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